Game Ideas

2 New Chess Variants

Coin Toss Chess and Dice Chess

Ajith Balakrishnan Nair
2 min readMay 21, 2024

Suicide Chess

Let’s start with an already existing variant that got me thinking. This variant of chess is known by quite a few names — the ones I remember are Losers Chess, Losing Chess, Suicide Chess. I love the last name the most.

The rules are the same as regular chess, except the objective of each player is to lose. Each player tries to get their own Bishop (King) killed. I’m sure there are many books on how to win at chess, and probably the probability of you winning would depend on how many of those books you’ve read. I wonder if there’s ever a book written on how to lose at chess.

The strategy to lose, that one thinks about first is to bring the king forward at the start of the game and put it in the danger zone.

Although this is the most popular variant of chess, it’s not available on Play Store.

The next two are my own ideas:

Coin Toss Chess

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Instead of regular chess where player 1 plays first, player 2 second, player 1 next, and so on, the player who gets to play is decided by a coin toss. After the toss decides who gets to play first, and the player makes the move, the coin is tossed again to decide who gets to play next and so on. Everytime there’s a check, the coin isn’t tossed so the player gets to protect their Bishop (King).

Luck plays a role, and players need to be prepared for whatever the coin (luck) has in store for them. A perfect combination of gambling and chess; hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

Dice Chess

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Here it gets more extreme:

Dice says 1: Player 1 gets a move

Dice says 2: Player 1 gets 2 moves

Dice says 3: Player 1 gets 3 moves

Dice says 4: Player 2 gets a move

Dice says 5: Player 2 gets 2 moves

Dice says 6: Player 2 gets 3 moves

In this game as well, whenever there is a Check, the dice roll is canceled, and the other player gets the move to protect their Bishop (King).

What do you think? Would these make interesting video games?

Thank you for your comments!



Ajith Balakrishnan Nair

⭐️ Editor of Follower Booster Hub, The Quantified World, Illumination Videos and Podcasts, and On God⭐️. I am one part of a whole. Nothing more. Nothing less.